New Website Launched!
Holger Weissböck on February 28, 2012Good news everyone: It’s done! The new website is online and it went live in almost perfect sync with the Adobe AIR 3.2 RC release. Is this a coincidence? ;-)
Well … it’s not! Daniel and I have been working on the new website for several weeks now and had a busy crunch time over the last few days to get the new bird’s nest going just in time: Finally, we are very happy with the result and we hope you enjoy it too!
A New Nest for the Birds
The Starling Framework has a full blown documentation-rich home now! And that’s not all: Since the Sparrow Framework and the Starling Framework are two birds of a feather the new website unifies them both within one common nest. The Gamua website is now the official home of Starling and Sparrow: This makes it very easy for you to compare them and weigh them out as well as make transitions from one framework to the other in a seamless and fast manner.
Enhanced Documentation and Help
There is more in it for you than just a common place to get your Starling/Sparrow infos:
- We put together several straight-forward feature lists, descriptions, examples and tutorials that help you to get started with your own project.
- There are comprehensive help pages (Starling, Sparrow) that point you in the right direction when you are facing problems or looking for answers.
- There is the new design that we hope you enjoy as much as we do.
- More is coming! This website is just the beginning: Daniel and I are working for those birds full-time now. That means that we will come up with a lot more cool stuff pretty soon! :-)
Performance, Performance, Performance
And furthermore there is something in it for us, too:
- The new website is powered by Jekyll! We did move from Wordpress to Jekyll for the main two reasons: Performance & Security. Jekyll bakes the website into static html and thus removes the need for slower PHP interpretation. Also: static custom html is hell of a lot harder to hack than a widely known blogging system like Wordpress. ;-)
- A common website makes it easier and faster for us to keep everything up-to-date! Up until now we had to jump between several Wordpress sites to add new features and documentation and whatnot.
Thanks to Chris
And finally we want to thank Chris Georgenes for designing the new birds! His off-the-wall drawings are exactly what we were looking for! You are a true master of the arts. Thanks!
A Final Hint
Uhm, and a final hint before you dig into the new sites: The website is still undergoing some minor changes and the Sparrow website will transition to it’s new home on one of the next few days. We are trying to make all of this as seamless as possible. However, if you still encounter something strange like raw HTML: Don’t panic, it’s not your fault. ;-)
Have fun exploring the new website!